Wall of People The Faketory and The Dhaka Project are glad to meet and work with people all over the world. This page is dedicated to them. Lukáš Pavel Jérémy Couillet Sét Van Oorschot César López Flórez Jenny Kozlow-Rodriguez Sabia Nasrin Maria Laktionova Raj Ronald Van Merkesteijn Storm van Oorschot An Nguyen Thi Thien Ali Asgar Emran Sohel Aroni Chatterjee Martijn Crowe Mohon Khan Samsul Alam Helal Chirantan Mukherjee Upoma Trina Alia Kamal Mustafa Zaman Khairul Hasan Sabya Van Elswijk Jhumu Zohara Sumuon Kallol Karmakar Nabi Rezaun Donna van Oorschot John Magnus Dahl