In the framework of “The Dhaka Project 2014” conducted by Martijn Crowe and Ronald van Merkesteijn, two high schools with a specialisation in graphical arts participate.
– Da Vinci College in Leiden (Netherlands)
– IDEAL Institute of sciences & technologies (IIST) in Dhaka (Bangladesh), Director: Dr. Sheikh Abu Reza
The purpose of this project is to create a link between the two groups of students, coming from different horizons. This will be an opportunity to exchange knowledge by discuss topics around the Dhaka Project, but also on more general points like culture, society, technology or vision. This project will be made by the students and for the students themselves.
The project is designed to allow students of the same age and within the same study in graphic design / media / art to exchange skills. The school-project will take place in the academic year 2014/2015 and be done “by the students and for the students themselves”. Students have access to the same opportunities of technical equipment and are in the same group of age. There will be a website, a Facebook page and a community. The duration of this collaboration will be a course year: 2014/2015. The exchanges will be organized on a “Virtual” basis, which means that students will use communication tools for create live discussions.
Learn more about this schools:
– Da Vinci
– Dhaka Graphic School